As I stated in my first blog on these iPad Apps I am trying each and showing my progress as I learn more. These trials are in order of my learning and with each I learned something new.
There are many different ways to get instructions on Inspire Pro which is different than many of the Apps. So far I enjoy the abilities of this one more than the others due to mainly to being able to read some instruction. With this App you can find, with practice, many of the nuances for painting that may be there with other Apps but are not as easily understood.
There is an area to customize your method of working and pressure is within these boundaries. I haven't gone that far, yet.
Do not judge these Apps by the quality of the images I am creating as these are simply showing my development when I learn more about each application. The first three showing vases of flowers are from my imagination, trying to mix colors and using different sizes of brushes.
There are several different shapes of brush and you can resize everything. I found I used only one, the round one. There are also, curved, oval, slanted line, and a dotted one that appears to be stripes as you swipe it. And, there is an eraser in any size you want.
With the pear I am trying to copy exactly something I see. This a close rendering of a colored pencil drawing I had in one of my sketch books. I was able to get close to actual color and blend those that I couldn't with the 'dry brush' application. 'Dry brush' is this application's method of blending. I still have trouble being exact with my finger or the sponge stylus. A help is the fact that strokes are minimally delayed and there is a cross hair that follows your touch, allowing you to kind of creep close to where you want a line to appear.
Another of the painting methods used here is a loaded or naturalistic brush. In other word your brush stroke will run out and you have to lift a finger to reload and continue. It works quickly so there is no delay but it is something to either turn off or remember. Many of the tools can be turned off or on.
This rendering is from a photograph I took on a bird watching tour. As in acrylic painting, and in this application, you can paint on top of a color already applied.
Multiple tapping when you are working fast or having your wrist touch by accident, makes the picture move, growing larger or partially sliding away. However, there is a circle with directional arrows at the top and you can tap the circle and it comes right back.
This painting needs more contrast, but I left each as it came off the iPad.
The only problem I have with this App is that there are not layers. If you create a background and then make a mistake on it, and need to erase, it leaves a white hole. To alleviate this the App suggests making copies as you go along so you don't have to start over.
I do like this Inspire Pro Application very much and know there is a lot more I can learn with it.
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