Sunday, August 16, 2015

The Anatomy of a party

It was Vicky's big birthday party at our home on Saturday evening.
The party was orchestrated by Alan, her husband, 
with a few suggestions from others. 
I,  thinking to plan ahead, and knowing that the food 
would be Indian (Vicky's favorite) went ahead with an Indian tablecloth
 with flowers, candles, and clementines in bright pink, purple and orange.
When the caterer arrived the centerpiece was moved to the side buffet.
 9 large chafing dishes were set up plus a large salad, dressing, 
and two sauces to go with the various dishes being served. 
I should have kept a copy of the names of the various dishes 
but I do remember that there were 2 hot appetizers, 
3 meat dishes, 2 vegetarian selections, 1 rice and something 
I have forgotten. And, several drinks to choose from.
 Alan chose 2 kinds of beer, one an Indian beer, as well are red and white wines.
There were a lot of photos being taken at the same time.
Several groups of Vicky's friends came so there were introductions, 
in the living room, after everyone arrived. 
 Some time was spent in the kitchen, too....Caroline had decorated 
everywhere she could add streamers and tassels and circular fans.
 Alexandra designed the sheet cake using paisley for the Indian theme 
but adding the Nats Logo (white W) as Vicky is a huge Nats fans,
Part way through the dinner the food started to disappear.
30 were expected but I feel more came. 
After dinner everyone went down stairs where Spencer lead a very rousing 
Karaoke song fest. Everyone seemed to enjoy this for quite a while,
This had been set up well before the party.
This is the last picture I took at around 1 AM.
I believe it was an enjoyable party for everyone.

1 comment:

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