Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Creating, Recycling or Procrastinating?

When one has art work to finish, yet viewing a studio filled with stuff 
to be given away and still wanting to be creative, 
while not wasting precious time....... what word would you give this mental detour?
 Instead of being a procrastinator, Barbara Lee Smith coined the word 'determinator'.
So for the last couple of days I have been just that, a determinator.
 Notecards are my favorite method of saving these frustrating days 
when one wants to be creative.
Two above are part of my reusing 'things' I don't want to throw away.
 This had been a maquette for a large art work. 
The two cards above and these two below are cut from that 
maquette and reworked with thread.
 Before throwing away magazines I tear out pages that appeal to me, 
usually for their color. These become the 'frames' for the center of interest
in notecards and collages.
 This small piece placed on a stormy cloud page is from another maquette.
 Small scraps from an actual piece (Dominie Nash fabric)
plus window screening and a torn magazine page 
make up the composition for this notecard.
 Another maquette I was able to resurrect into useful cards.
 By taking off the large twisted blue fabric 
this maquette became five more cards.
 It was like creating a puzzle to use every scrap of that maquette.
 Of the five cards this was the most difficult, yet my favorite,
probably due to all the red.
 In a crowded studio, small bits and pieces are often lost.
Finding this tiny piece of painted orange canvas was exactly 
what I needed to set off a bit of embroidery. 
The rug was from another magazine page.
Thinking ahead to Christmas I found some glitter and 
 thread samples, a small embroidered pine tree and 
more colorful magazine pages for these last two cards.
It is time to get back into the right mind-set 
and work on that large piece waiting in the studio.

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