Monday, May 21, 2012

More about the Brushes App

Hoping to be able to continue adding to this blog I am including a few more pictures  from the Brushes App.
I painted this pink dogwood branch and then added the background so there are two layers.

I was trying on this beach picture to overlay transparent colors on to the background sand color. At the beach the waves seem to break in layers so the sand and water have a couple of color changes as  a  wave comes in and goes back out. I probably used 4 layers to accomplish this.

I had taken a picture of this violet green swallow and couple of years ago. There are three layers with a muted background. It took me quite a while to mix the colors for the shading of the feathers and I used  two layers for the bird.

This holly branch picture was taken from  a drawing in my sketch book.  Four layers were used to put the background, branch and berries together.  My conclusion is that it takes me too much time to mix and shade colors in this App but great things are possible if you are using flat color.

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